Clegg, Rev. Thomas E., MDiv

Clegg, Rev. Thomas E., MDivSt. John Paul II, 216 Schellers Ave., Sellersburg, IN 47172-1241

Birthdate: May 12

Ordination: June 2, 1990

Current Assignment: 2019, pastor, St. John Paul II, Sellersburg (2nd six year term)

Ministry History: Associate pastor, Christ the King, Indianapolis; 1992, administrator, St. Catherine and St. James parishes, Indianapolis; 1993, pastor, Good Shepherd, Indianapolis; 1994, priest moderator, St. Patrick and Holy Rosary, Indianapolis; 1997, part-time chaplain, Roncalli High School, Indianapolis, while continuing as pastor, Good Shepherd, Indianapolis; 1999, chaplain, Indianapolis Fire Department, and reappointed as pastor, Good Shepherd, Indianapolis, and part-time chaplain, Roncalli High School; 2000, full-time chaplain, Roncalli High School, and sacramental minister, Good Shepherd, Indianapolis, while continuing as chaplain, Indianapolis Fire Department; 2003, pastor, Sacred Heart, Jeffersonville; 2007, pastor, St. Augustine and Sacred Heart, Jeffersonville; 2013, pastor, St. John Paul II, Sellersburg, and St. Joseph, Clark County.

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