June 21, 2024

My Journey to God

My Father, Our Father

We all have a biological father,
     most whom are fortunate to know.
Then there are others like me,
     whose father had chosen to go.

For those who are like me,
     here’s some comfort I can share.
We all have a Heavenly Father,
     here to stay and always care.

His presence is always with us,
     keeping his promise to never leave.
He shares in our joyful moments
     and comforts us when we grieve.

He guides us through our day,
     available to listen when we talk.
He’s kind, loving, patient, and forgiving,
     even when we sulk and squawk.

Depending on how you perceive it
     and make the effort to bother;
by choosing to embrace faith unseen
     you’ll never be without a father.

By Stephanie Jackson

(Stephanie Jackson is a member of St. Vincent DePaul Parish in Bedford.)

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