June 7, 2024

My Journey to God

Be Still and Know I Am God

Be Still and Know I Am God
My Love, you are God.
But why do I feel responsible
     for making everything OK?
I see and feel suffering everywhere.
The weight of the world is heavy.
Help me surrender it all to you—
     willingly, lovingly, completely.

Be Still and Know I Am
God, you are in everything.
God, you are everything.
Help me see you and feel you
     in all of your beautiful creation.

Be Still and Know
God, you are love perfected.
Love that casts out fear.
Love that endures all.
Help me fully realize your love
     is all I need.

Be Still
God, you are mercy.
You are hope.
You are peace beyond understanding.
Help me rest in you.

My Love, you are God.
Help me to just be.

By Seana Zoderer

(Seana Zoderer is a member of St. Roch Parish in Indianapolis.)

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