February 9, 2024

My Journey to God


I treasure the joys of my senses-

A sunrise reflecting in still water,
The hush of a world blanketed by snow,
Rich chocolate melting on my tongue,
The scent of lilacs wafting on a balmy breeze,
The warmth of a furry body under my caressing hands.

I treasure the joys of my heart-

The love in the eyes of my husband as he glances my way,
A whispered “I love you” as I am hugged by my child,
“Grandma!” as my granddaughter runs to embrace me,
Friends with whom I can share my deepest self,
The family who taught me to love by loving me from birth.

I treasure the joys of my soul-

Living in “the peace that the world cannot take away,”
Sharing the faith of my brothers and sisters in Christ,
The “God moments” that bring a smile to my heart,
Breathing in the presence of God in silent prayer,
One body, One heart, One life through the Most Holy Eucharist.

By Janine Schorsch

(Janine Schorsch is a member of St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross Parish in Bright.)

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