January 12, 2024

Congress for Spanish-speaking women in archdiocese addresses strength, dignity

Women taking part in the Intercultural Pastoral Institute’s first congress for Spanish-speaking women on Dec. 9 at Holy Trinity Parish in Edinburgh listen to a speaker. (Submitted photo)

Women taking part in the Intercultural Pastoral Institute’s first congress for Spanish-speaking women on Dec. 9 at Holy Trinity Parish in Edinburgh listen to a speaker. (Submitted photo)

Criterion staff report

Lucy Sanchez was glad she spent a recent Saturday with 100 other Spanish-speaking women growing in their lives of faith.

And she hopes a similar opportunity arises again soon.

“Attending the first conference for women in Spanish was a great blessing. In this gathering, Jesus gave me back the dignity that, as a woman, is often taken away,” said Sanchez, a member of St. Lawrence Parish in Indianapolis. “I experienced a lovely embrace by Jesus with love. God has cleansed my wounds in many ways. He has set me free and comforted me to continue my daily life with dignity.”

Sanchez was among the attendees who took part in the archdiocese’s Intercultural Pastoral Institute’s (IPI) first congress for Spanish-speaking women as part of its extension program in southern Indiana.

On Dec. 9, Holy Trinity Parish in Edinburgh hosted 103 women from more than 15 parishes—mostly from south of Indianapolis—as they gathered for the event. A team of volunteers formed through the institute helped organize the conference.

Dr. Carmen Hernandez, IPI coordinator, and her volunteers admitted they did not think there would be such a demand. But the number of women who attended proved otherwise.

Speakers included Oscar Castellanos, director for the Initiative for Parish Renewal (Renovación) at Marian University in Indianapolis, and Marianhill Father José Ferney Aragón Briñez, parochial vicar of Holy Spirit Parish in Indianapolis. The theme of the gathering was from the Book of Proverbs: “She is clothed with strength and dignity” (Prv 31:25).

Other priests in attendance helped participants receive the sacrament of reconciliation, and two women psychologists led a panel discussion. The conference also included Mass and the opportunity for women to take part in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

According to Hernandez, the joy and motivation of being able to continue experiencing events like this was evident in all the women. Some are hopeful and advocating for more opportunities like this one that IPI offered, she added. 

Sanchez is one of them.

“We needed something like this. A lot of times, Hispanic women have been left out by the system and institutions for many years,” said Sanchez, who is a graduate of IPI. “I am thrilled and grateful to each of the organizers and preachers who have brought light, hope and courage to my life through this conference.

“I pray to God that another conference for women will be scheduled soon, and that I will be able to invite other women who I know are desperate to find Jesus the way I encountered him through this event.”

(For more information on the Intercultural Pastoral Institute and its programs, contact Dr. Carmen Hernandez, IPI coordinator, at 317-261-3381 or e-mail chernandez@archindy.org.)

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