November 24, 2023

National Catholic Youth Conference 2023

Teens describe NCYC as ‘amazing’—and so much more

Compiled by Natalie Hoefer

The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) can have a deep impact on high school teens.

For three days—this year on Nov. 16-18 in Indianapolis—their faith is enriched through speakers, uplifting music, eucharistic adoration, group or quiet prayer, the opportunity for the sacrament of penance and daily Mass.

Their faith is also emboldened in witnessing and worshiping with thousands of their Catholic peers, leaving the youths encouraged by the fact that they are not alone in following Christ in the one true Church.

The Criterion spoke with five teenagers in Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis after the closing Mass there on Nov. 18—and one youth earlier that day—about their overall NCYC experience. †

(Photos by Natalie Hoefer)

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Teens describe their experience at NCYC

Read more stories from our 2023 NCYC Supplement

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