January 6, 2023

Letters to the Editor

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No letters were printed this week; here is the letter from three weeks ago:

As we near the end of Advent and approach Christmas, let us be a people of hope

As we light another candle each week during Advent, I think of what we studied at Saint Meinrad Seminary.

Advent is about “hope,” and hope can come in different forms: salvation, healing, peace, etc. Hope re-entered the world on Christmas morning with the birth of the Christ Child.

That hope would later see expression in the words of the adult Jesus, which centered on love and forgiveness. It would reach its ultimate fulfillment on Easter morning with the resurrected Jesus.

We learned at seminary that “resurrection” too, can come in different forms. There is our eventual end-times resurrection, an “intermediate state” found in heaven, but also the kind of resurrection a person experiences when they come to know Jesus as master, Savior and best friend. They become changed, transformed, new. They step out of the darkness and into the light.

As we come nearer and nearer to the hope found at Christmas, let us as already resurrected beings give thanks to God, and then share this hope with others—especially through our actions of healing, love and forgiveness.

- Sonny Shanks | Corydon

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