Criterion Archives - December 4, 1964
The following is a summary of the headlines and photos which appeared in this issue of The Criterion. Items in italics are partial captions from photographs.
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- Record throngs greet Pope Paul on India trip
- Jordanian Catholics answer press attack
- Dedication slated at Ritter High
- An over-all appraisal: third session brought council to maturity
- Tiara made gift to U.S. Catholics
- Saw faults in statement on freedom
- Orthodox to hear Providence nun
- Official
- Chancery reports Franciscan shifts
- Christmas reverie: Liz Foley, St. Joan of Arc
- Lay participation
- Pope consecrates 6 bishops in India
- The Church and the world: Orthodox plea-Italy election
- Sees no suppression of Marian devotions
- Britain preparing vocations exhibit
- At Trojan banquet: Chatard High School
- Urges Bishops board to help rule Church
- O’Dwyer buried
- Course is held for catechists
- Sought prelate’s freedom: tells of dramatic Khrushchev interview
- Comment: meaningful Mass-work to be done-fighting Irish-bon voyage
- Question box: should I buy a new missal?
- Opinions: ND law professor raps editorial
- Your world and mine: back separation of church, state
- The yardstick: the ancient myth died hard
- Obsolescence seen threatening K of C
- Shipboard college group sees Pope
- Allocate funds for mission work in Latin America
- Candidate?
- Ecumenism
- Papal greetings
- Benedictines plan microfilming of rare manuscripts
- What of the day: raps conservatives
- Wins scholarship: Stephen P. Happel
- 100 League co-champions : St. Catherine and Little Flower
- Chatard musicians will entertain
- Cy Cipher
- New stamp honors Chinese scholar
- Gift to Pope
- Detroit University gives up football
- Snowstorm interferes with Quiz
- Postponed
- Family clinic: drinking mate drives wife toward suicide
- The week in liturgy
- Working to beat hell: temper, temper!
- Thru God-colored glasses: not worth even a sigh
- Viewing with Arnold: ‘the Outrage’ called basically ludicrous
- Vicar general for laity named
- Musical comedy set by theatre Guild
- Census data
- Variety in books: ‘the Kennedy Years’
- Tic tacker
- A group of baking contest winners
- Audience schedule
- Asks Catholic aid in war on poverty
- Brebeuf schedules entrance exams
- National shrine
- New hospital power plant: St. Francis Hospital, Beech Grove
- Around the archdiocese: club announces plans for Christmas mart
- Native of archdiocese: Franciscan Brother leads farmer’s life
- Brother Mark, 96, dies at St. Meinrad
- Magdalen Sisters announce change in their name
- Ladies of Charity schedule meeting
- Shared-time
- Nun tells grim story of Congo atrocities
- Denies charges Pius XII had sympathy for Nazis
- Help in mental health drive